Our strengths
Born of the long experience of its founder, after more than 40 years of professional life devoted to the legal, fiscal, patrimonial and inheritance problems, VIAGER-RETRAITE aims:
- To promote the LIFE as an effective means of constituting or supplementing its income by a SURE, INDEXED AND DEFISCALIZED RETIREMENT
- Provide a solution to the insufficiency of REVERSIONS on the death of a spouse (generally 50%) while the expenses and expenses remain the same.
- To respond to the increase in income needs, linked to the DEPENDENCE that is waiting for each of us, thanks to or because of the lengthening of the lifetime.
- Secure the situation of VULNERABLE people.
- To propose a system of PREVOYANCE based on real estate, through the creation of a real HIRING RENTAL PETRIMONY, constituted at a lower cost.
- To optimize your situation with regard to the taxation of INCOME, and that of HERITAGE. VIAGER-RETRAITE will bring you "the most" of its patrimonial and inheritance competence, its tax know-how, and its contractual assistance.
The mission of consulting, expert and technician of a life insurance operation is assumed in our company, by its managing director and founder, Jacques BENNE, HEC, Doctor of Law, who devotes his great experience in the field of law Contracts, inheritances, security rights, real estate taxation and litigation.
Our first imperative is to make you understand that the LIFE is not this image of EPINAL that propagated a famous film, or the "trap" that suggests a recent example of longevity.
Based on statistical and therefore scientific data, everyone must know that an excess of longevity necessarily corresponds to a short lifetime and that the exception, confirming the rule, must not replace it.
The life annuity must be seen as a balanced contract where one (the annuitant) needs immediate incomes (the annuity) and the other (the debtor) prepares his future income or his future retirement. With the scheduled bankruptcy of the pay-as-you-go pension system, the life annuity represents the best and smartest way for the founder of VIAGER-RETIREMENT to save his or her old days or those of his or her close relatives from need.
Specialist, besides, DEMEMBREMENTS of PROPERTY, he perfectly master the techniques of tax optimization that contribute to the constitution of a HERITAGE balanced and performing.
Therefore, in the context of the operation, and in advance, you will be offered to carry out a FREE HERITAGE BALANCE which allows the seller to accurately determine his NEEDS and, on the purchaser side, to put In place a real long-term strategy of PREVOYANCE, with zero or reduced taxation.
Sandrine BENNE Associate and main collaborator, took over the whole of the COMMUNICATION and the responsibility of the TRANSACTIONS. It will also assume the INTERFACE between the various parties and the FOLLOW-UP of the operation, until its completion.
Lastly, a NETWORK of CORRESPONDANTS and selected PROFESSIONALS allows LIFE-RETIREMENT to have, throughout the national territory of a general coverage, although the PROVENCE-COTE D'AZUR, PARIS and ILE DE FRANCE regions constitute its domain Of fundamental action.
Our role is to determine, for each of our clients, what really corresponds to its present or future NEEDS. This must be done by means of a prior HERITAGE REVIEW, which we will perform gracefully and then determine the most appropriate heritage strategy to achieve the goals pursued.
This sometimes involves external appeals (notaries, lawyers, tax advisors, financial advisors, etc.) with whom we have established trusting relationships and whose quality of intervention we appreciate.
Finally, at a time when the burden of taxation on income and wealth is often the driving force behind the action, and the reason for the solution, an effective heritage STRATEGY assumes its importance, whether it be the DEMEMBREMENTS (Bare ownership, life or temporary usufruct), TRANSFORMATION of real estate income in tax-exempt life annuities, EXEMPTION of real estate gains or RECONSTRUCTION of property, all formulas that we can advise you and put in place.
LIFE-RETIREMENT possesses all the necessary EXPERTISE in these matters.
Independently of the follow-up, until the end of the life business, in terms of indexing, renewal of security, prevention of any incident directly or indirectly related to the life annuity, VIAGER-RETRAITE offers you the subscription Of a lifetime assistance contract, "RETIREMENT-ASSISTANCE" including the support by all of your administrative, tax, real estate, social or other problems and operations, for a remuneration to be collected, only at your death, so as to enable you to dispose of all your income during your existence, And to enjoy an absolute TRANQUILITY of management, for the duration of your retirement, without being disrupted by the daily.
This contract will fit perfectly into the new estate law.